School Curriculum

The school is affiliated to the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. The medium of instruction is English. The syllabus followed for Classes I to X is according to the guidelines laid down by the ICSE. Art and Craft, Music, Dance, Elocution, Debates, Dramatics, Team Games —Volleyball, Basketball Badminton, Table tennis Kho-Kho& throw ball etc are also taught.

The school organizes Inter school competitions and Volleyball tournaments on Zonal and Regional level. Our students frequently take part in Recitation, Declamation, Debates, Dance and Dramatics on Inter school level winning laurels for the school.

Value education is an essential part of the student’s training for life. At Somerville, it is considered as one of the most important areas of education. The subject is not restricted to a single period on the time table, but basic values of life are inculcated in each and every period so that students are able to adjust to varied life situations with young and old alike.